3.8.1 The Restaurant
When you have rented or bought the restaurant of your choice in the city you can enter it by double-clicking the left mouse button. You will have a birds-eye view of the premises. The space you have at your disposal depends on the size of the place. By clicking on the wooden frame or pressing the cursor keys you can get an overall view of your restaurant (of course, you will only be able to do this if the restaurant is bigger than the screen picture).The entrance door at the bottom of the screen will always be ajar whenever the restaurant is open. Otherwise it will be closed. To your left is the door to the kitchen which you enter by clicking on the kitchen wall or by pressing the space bar.
You will notice that your restaurant is still completely empty. You have to furnish it and hire staff before you can open for business. If you do this correctly you will gradually see more and more guests frequenting your restaurant. Your guests will find their own tables and wait more or less patiently for their pizzas. Then your staff will serve the pizza in great style.
In the status window you receive information about the furniture by clicking on the different items. When your restaurant is closed you can rearrange the items of furniture by clicking on them.
If you want to find out for yourself how popular your restaurant is, just click on the person of your choice with the left mouse button and the customer will willingly give you his opinion about the restaurant's strengths and weaknesses. The following criteria are taken into consideration:
- Quality of the pizza
- Price of the pizza
- Condition of furnishings
- Speed and politeness of staff Your second, third and subsequent restaurants
Once your first restaurant is well established, you will be able to open further restaurants and slowly establish a chain of restaurants in a city. Your influence in the city will increase.Of course, the demands on you will increase as well, so don't overreach yourself. Using the TAB key takes you from one restaurant to the next within one city.
The next logical step for you would be to expand your chain of restaurants over the whole of Europe. As you can see, your tasks will become increasingly complex. Opening a restaurant
The normal opening hours of your restaurant are 9 am to 9 pm. If you wish to get up earlier, you will have to alter the alarm time in the CHARACTER MENU.Using the KEY opens the restaurant. To do this you will have to satisfy certain conditions:
- You need at least one oven in the kitchen.
- You can't make pizza without a chef,
- If you don't have any seats you can’t have any guests.
- You can’t take orders without waiters.
- Every 'pizzeria' must have recipes on the menu.
Important advice: You can't expect any guests in your restaurant until you've opened it. Closing a restaurant
You close a restaurant by using the KEY. As an extra safety precaution you will be asked if you really want the restaurant to be closed.If you want to add. rearrange or remove furniture you will have to close the restaurant first.
3.8.2 Stock
The menu STOCK contains everything you need to ensure good materials management and logistics, from purchasing to concluding delivery contracts.Click on the STOCK key.
Your warehouse book containing all the information concerning your stock will appear in the game play area. On the cover the capacity of your warehouse is indicated; this depends on the size of your restaurant. Below you can see how much of the warehouse is already in use.
On the KEYPAD you will see the icons for the four groups of ingredients as well as the BACKSPACE key, which you should be familiar with by now. By pressing the key for a certain group of ingredients you open the appropriate page in your warehouse book The KEYPAD is supplemented by the keys SHOPPING and CONTRACTS. Choice of ingredients
After pressing the key for a certain group of ingredients, for example "Vegetables", the warehouse book will show you the stock of ingredients (in this case tomato, olives and anything else belonging to this group) for the restaurant you are currently in.The columns - from left to right - indicate;
- The ingredient (for example tomatoes, olives etc.)
The quality
Very fresh
Top quality
First class
- Your current stock of the respective ingredient in kg
- The demand for this ingredient in kg per day (calculated on the previous day's consumption)
- The actual consumption of the ingredient in kg per day from the previous day
- How many days your Stock of this ingredient will last (calculated on the previous day's consumption). Choosing the suppliers
Using the SHOPPING key takes you to the selection screen showing the suppliers of the group of ingredients you have marked, e.g. the suppliers of vegetables. They are listed according to the quality of their merchandise. On the banner you will see the name of the supplier and underneath it the value of the produce you have acquired so far.By using the ARROW keys you can page through the suppliers.
Click on the symbol of the supplier you want to buy from. Buying the ingredients
Position the mouse pointer on the ingredient you want to buy. By pressing the left mouse button you increase the amount of the required ingredient. Using the right mouse button reduces the amount.Each ingredient has its own price composed of various values. The amount chosen is indicated in kg. In the column Stock you will see the ingredients bought so far and the stock you already have in your warehouse. The column DAYS shows how many days this ingredient will last, assuming the consumption stays the same as on the previous day.
The total cost of the chosen goods is shown at the bottom of the screen. Single order
By using the THUMBS UP key you will receive an invoice for the chosen goods. The amount will be immediately debited to your account. You will then automatically return to the suppliers' menu. Contracts
To save time and money you can agree delivery contracts with the suppliers. The advantage of these contracts is that the supplier grants his regular customers a discount for loyalty. Click on the SHAKE HANDS key.Do yourself a favor - look for a good supplier and buy from him regularly. He will show his appreciation.
Above a certain sum you will be able to negotiate the conditions of the contract with the supplier. The conditions are shown on the blackboard on the right of the supplier. But be careful - most suppliers are only looking out for number one.
You can conclude the contract by pressing the OK key (Thumbs up). THUMBS DOWN rejects the contract offered.
Once you have concluded a contract you will receive the first delivery the following day. You can view the conditions of your contracts in the menu SHOPPING) by using the CONCLUDED CONTRACTS key,
After you have concluded the contract you will return to the suppliers' menu. Concluded contracts
While leafing through your warehouse book to check your stock, you can view your contracts by using the CONTRACTS key. You can obtain detailed information, from the total amount to the remaining term of the contract.To ensure that contracts remain favorable even over a long period of time, you can adjust the quantity delivered according to your actual demand in the game play area. To do this, click on the contract. This ensures that you can react flexibly to changing demand without having to conclude new contracts all the time. You will appreciate that there has to be a fee for this. In addition you can cancel current contracts.
3.8.3 The Menu
A good menu is the key to a successful restaurant. By using the MENU key you can view the menu of the restaurant you are at.By adding or removing standard recipes and individual creations you can react to changing customer demands and create an individual menu for each of your restaurants.
By using the ARROW keys you page forwards and backwards.
You can change the price of a particular pizza by clicking on it. Enter the new price via the keyboard.
To remove a pizza from the menu, first click on the name and then on the THUMBS DOWN key.
The CALCULATOR key shows all the recipes of the menu in detail together with the sales and turnover figures for the previous day.
If you press the CUSTOMER RATINGS key you will be able to see how popular your menu is with the different groups of customers.
3.8.4 Furnishings
Pressing the FURNISHINGS key in the restaurant menu takes you to this menu. Surely it can’t be that difficult to put a couple of tables and chairs into a restaurant, can it? Anyone can do it. Or can they?With a little practice you'll soon be able to compete with any second-rate interior designer. To keep you busy our design team has been extremely industrious and has put over 180 items of furniture at your disposal. No trouble or expense has been spared, and even such items as fountains, pinball machines, jukeboxes etc. have been included in our range so that you'll be able to let your imagination run riot.
We know that you and your clientele appreciate a change from time to time, so new items of furniture will continually be offered by the suppliers in the course of the game. Each supplier has his own range, and the quality of the supplier is indicated by the seats.
You can choose where to place all the items of furniture in your restaurant - if necessary you can even turn them through 90* by using the right mouse button.
Try to find the most effective way possible to arrange your furniture because there is not much room in most of the restaurants.
All the items of furniture have certain values, such as quality, age and condition, and these values appeal to different social groups, just as in real life. Thus a pensioner will prefer to sit on a chair that isn’t likely to collapse any moment. On the other hand, a business man won't want to have his meal sitting on garden furniture. These six groups of people - kids, teenagers, blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, business people and pensioners - each have their own preferences.
So, if you want to be successful, you'll have to be very careful which group of people you are aiming at. Further information concerning this problem can be found in the section TIPS FOR THE WOULD-BE INTERIOR DESIGNER. Buying furniture
After pressing the FURNISHINGS key you will see a closed furnishings and fittings book in the GAME PLAY AREA.Simultaneously the keys for the four groups of furniture and the familiar BACKSPACE key will appear on the KEYPAD. Press the key tor the required group of furniture and you will get to the appropriate pages in your furnishings and equipment book The KEYPAD is supplemented by the keys SHOPPING and CUSTOMER RATINGS. Furniture
Now your warehouse book is open at the appropriate page. The following data about your furniture is shown:Capacity utilization: Is there enough furniture in your restaurant - or too much or too little? A capacity utilization of 100% would be ideal, but that would mean you wouldn't have any extra capacity at peak times. So it is advisable to keep the capacity utilization at about 80% at normal times.
Total value: How much has it cost so far to furnish of your restaurant?
Quality: The quality of your furniture depends on the retailer you bought it from and how long it has been in use.
Capacity: How many guests can you serve at a time in this restaurant? And how many guests can you serve per day?
The window below shows details of the items of furniture of your restaurant with the name and number of pieces. If this window is not big enough for all the items, you can move the list by using the two fields to the right of the window. Click on the top or bottom field to do this. Kitchen equipment
The book will open to the page with the list of your kitchen equipment:- Ovens: How many ovens are being used in this restaurant?
- Baking time per pizza: This is the average time needed to bake pizza with the ovens you have.
- Total value. How much money have you invested in this restaurant's ovens?
- Quality: What is the average quality of the pizzas when they leave your ovens?
- Baking capacity. How many pizzas can you bake in your ovens at a time? How many pizzas do you produce per day? Extras
Besides furniture and ovens you also have various other accessories and machines at your disposal to furnish your restaurant. There are four groups of extras. Next to each group you will see the total number of items in a restaurant:- Decor. This includes flowers for the tables, candles, ornamental screens etc.
- Entertainment media: This includes television, jukeboxes etc.
- Slot machines: The noisy, colorful, hypnotic machines which are corrupting the youth of today.
- Other machines: For items one needs every day, such as cigarettes and condoms. Floor covering
Of course, you could leave the stone floor as it is. but that would not look very attractive.The appropriate key and page of your warehouse book will give you information about the floor covering in your restaurant:
- Value: How much have you spent on floor coverings?
- Quality. What quality is the floor covering?
- Number of tiles. You always buy floor covering in the form of squares of tiles. How many do you need for this restaurant?
- Total area: How many square meters do you need for this restaurant? Shopping
Press the SHOPPING key. The possible suppliers of the chosen group of furnishings, for example the furniture suppliers, are listed. The suppliers are marked with quality seals. You can leaf through the list by using the ARROW keys.To buy items from a supplier, click on his symbol. Buying Items of furniture
Place the mouse pointer on the item you want to buy and press the left mouse button to increase the number. Pressing the right mouse button reduces the number.Next to the item of furniture you will find the information which will be useful to you. Be aware of quality, price, quantity etc.
By using the ARROW keys you can leaf through the supplier's range. Invoice
Press the OK key (Thumbs up) to receive an invoice. The amount will be debited from your account immediately.Pressing the BACKSPACE key takes you back to the restaurant. You will not be taken back to the Suppliers' Menu until you have bought some floor covering. Arranging the items of furniture
In the game play area you will now see the dining room or the kitchen of your restaurant. By moving the mouse pointer across the game play area you can move the first item of furniture you have bought. Move it where you want it to be and press the left mouse button to put the item in place.If necessary you can turn the item through 90" with each click of the right mouse button.
If you have bought several items of furniture choose the next item you want to position by using the ARROW keys on the KEYPAD.
If you realize you've made a mistake in buying a certain item you can discard the item you are currently moving with the mouse pointer. Just click on the BIN key.
But be careful with the bin! Once an item has been discarded you can't get it back!
After you have arranged all the furniture in your restaurant to your liking the furnishings and equipment book will appear again, opened at the page showing the furniture you have just bought. Rearranging the furniture
You can only rearrange the furniture when the restaurant is closed.When you click on an item of furniture for the first time the respective data will be shown in the STATUS WINDOW. Clicking on the item a second time takes it on to the mouse pointer. Now it can be moved around and placed at will. At the same time the keys BIN, TRANSPORT and SELL will appear on the keypad.
If you press the BIN key, the item on the mouse pointer will be discarded. If you click the TRANSPORT key the item will be loaded on to a truck and can be used to furnish another of your restaurants,
If you click on SELL, the value of the item on the mouse pointer will be credited to your account. Customer Ratings
How do your guests like the furnishings in your restaurant?At the bottom you'll find a pictogram for each of the six groups of customers. The column with the percentage above indicates graphically and in numbers what the respective group thinks of the furnishings.
To exit the info panel, click on a group of furnishings or on the BACKSPACE key. Tips for interior designers
If you really expect to find the tip for the ultimate furnishing scheme in this section -dream on! Even we can't provide you with that.But how about a few ideas and hints for day-to-day business?
Furniture: Here you'll find tables and chairs for your restaurant. At the beginning of the game you won't be able to afford expensive furniture. You can make life easier for yourself at first if you open your first restaurant in an area where people are not too fussy about appearances, i.e. where they don’t demand expensive furniture.
It is impossible to define a "good" or a "bad" chair. In general, however, modem, cool furnishings appeal to kids and teenagers, whereas business people and pensioners prefer classic, high-quality furniture. So - keep the population of the area in mind!
Kitchen equipment: At first, your actions will be dictated by your lack of money, so a simple plain oven will have to do. The specifications of the ovens speak for themselves. There are enormous differences between them, from the baking time to the quality. Also, don’t forget that new, better ovens will be developed in the course of the game. So - be patient and hope you will be able to get hold of a "super-oven".
Extras: These are things to make your restaurant more attractive. If you like flowers, there is a huge variety of flower pots and vases. If you prefer more unusual things we can offer you anything from fountains to partitions. By improving the looks of your restaurant you will especially please white-collar workers, business people and pensioners.
If you want to appeal to younger customers, put some pinball machines and video games h. You'll see what a difference it makes
The jukebox and the television give you plenty of scope. The jukebox lets you address different groups of customers through your choice of music. Just click on the jukebox and choose a record when your restaurant is open, and watch how your customers react to the music!
The same applies to the television. Simply choose a channel and watch the customers' reactions.
Arrangement of tables and chairs: If you place your tables and chairs sensibly it is possible to make the most of the tight space in your restaurant and to fit more seats in.
Try to put the chairs as far under the tables as possible to make the best use of the space available.
But be careful not to place the chairs and tables too closely together, otherwise your guests might have trouble getting through and it might be difficult or impossible to reach some of the tables. In this case you will not be able to make use of all the places at your disposal.
Avoid placing furniture in such a way that it obstructs the entrance door and the passage to and from the kitchen. In the worst case neither your customers nor your waiters would be able to get into the dining room.
3.8.5 Staff
The staff - one of the most sensitive and at the same time most important factors - can determine whether a restaurant is economically successful or not. And because the staff also represents one of the biggest cost factors you should consider very carefully before you employ somebody. To make the choice as hard as possible for you we have provided you with hundreds of characters, each with his/her own values and individual CV.You can employ three different groups of staff in your restaurant:
- Chefs: They make the pizzas and are the heart of your restaurant.
- Waiters: They serve the customers and have to be very alert to keep up with the pace of the kitchens, ovens and orders.
- Managers: Once a restaurant of yours is up and running you can employ a manager to relieve you of everyday decisions.
After you press the STAFF key, the chefs will be listed first. If you have already appointed staff, the employees' details are shown as follows:
- Name
- Work performance (capacity) shown as pizzas per day. Absences, due for example to illness or staff training, will also be shown here.
- Employee's weekly pay.
To view the details of an employee more closely just click on his name.
After you have selected a member of staff you can choose between three functions: Dismissal
The employee in question is fired. This is extremely unpleasant for all concerned - but you must think of your turnover... Wages
These can have a vast effect on the motivation and capacity of an employee. If you need higher performance immediately, it can be achieved through pay rises. On the other hand the performance of an employee will deteriorate if you cut his wages. Staff training
If your staff isn’t as efficient or capable as you would like, you can send them on training courses. However, training costs money and the staff will not be available to work in your restaurant while the courses are taking place.Depending on his job, the values of the employee in question will improve either in cooking, selling or managing.
After you have pressed the TRAINING key, the choice of training courses will be displayed.
You will see:
- The description of the course
- The percentage points an employee needs before he can take part in the course
- The cost of the course
- The length of the course in days
After finishing a course, the employee will not necessarily be qualified for the course on the next level up. He might have to attend the same course several times before he can move on.
You will have to pay your employee while he is away on the course, and you cannot fire him during this time.
At the end of the course you will be informed about the employee's success. This depends mainly on his motivation value. If it is higher than 80% he is sure to pass. Your employees' attitudes
Don’t forget your employees are only human too. You cannot treat them like you treat your ovens or your goods in stock.The character values of your staff will change with time. How serious these changes are will depend on their work load, their pay and various events.
Your employees know what they are worth and want to be paid accordingly. Most regard themselves as competent and capable and expect an appropriate wage. If they don't get it, their motivation value will drop because they will be frustrated.
Occasionally, your employees might turn up for work late with some lame excuse or other. You can react with three different answers. Each answer has an effect on the values of your employee.
Anybody can fall ill from time to time and your employees are no exception. Especially in winter, people often catch cold. Try not to worry too much about this. If you act reasonably towards your staff, they will appreciate it.
There are a few guys, however, who think your restaurant is a self-service shop. Stock disappears and sometimes money might even be missing from the till! You will not notice these irregularities unless you spend some time in your restaurants. If you don't have the time, you should hire a manager to keep an eye on things.
Nobody's perfect - accidents can happen, and they can be costly both to your wallet and your nerves; for example, if your chef suddenly announces that he has accidentally left all the cheese next to the oven and it has now melted into a sticky mess. The labour market
The SHOPPING key will take you to the PIZZA CONNECTION labour market. You will be shown members of the profession you have selected previously.Scroll through the selection using the ARROW keys.
Press the DATA key to call up the character values (see illustration 38).
If you press [he APPLICATION key, the relevant person's application will be displayed.
You will often be able to read things between the lines which are not listed in the official character values. Internally, PIZZA TYCOON uses roughly twice the number of character values you can see on display.
Click on THUMBS UP to employ the person.
If you have sacked somebody recently or if the person has resigned of his own accord, you cannot re-employ him for a while.
The character values influence the relevant person's behavior:
- Cooking: Determines how good a chef is at baking and preparing pizzas.
- Selling: Whether a waiter is quick, courteous to customers etc.
- Management: Does a manager have a good grip on the restaurant he is in charge of?
- Reliability: How far can you rely on this person? Employees who are unreliable will make more mistakes, and you will have to suffer the consequences.
- Motivation: How enthusiastic is the person about their work? Low motivation means that this guy will skip work or keep turning up late.
- Intelligence: An intelligent employee is aware of his own abilities and appreciates praise and further training.
- Health: A low value means that this person might be absent more often due to illness. The manager
Once you have enough money to hire a manager, he can take a lot of pressure off you. He can take over tasks you no longer have time for. You can authorize him to do the following things:- Stock up when necessary
- Change prices
- Overdraw the account
More over you can determine how he will treat your staff. He could either play the tough guy and run a tight ship, or he could try to be a pal to the staff and convince them he's on their side.
Since managers are only human too. They can make mistakes which correspond to their respective character values. If you have hired a manager for a restaurant, notifications of sickness or of employees being late for work will be handed directly to the manager and not to you.
3.8.6 List of Recipes
The list of recipes does not only apply to any one restaurant, but represents your personal collection of recipes. It will show you all the recipes you can use for the menus in your various restaurants.The first page contains the standard recipes which correspond to the recipes shown in the enclosed cookery book.
The following pages are for your own creations and are blank at first.
The last recipe on the page of your own creations is an entry entitled NEW. If you want to develop a new recipe, click on this.
The number of recipes that can be stored in the List of Recipes is only limited by the available memory.
With the recipes provided you will find a number on the right next to the recipe entry. This number tells you how many of your restaurants in this city have this recipe on the menu. You can view existing recipes in three different modes:
- Appearance
- As a recipe
- As a recipe statistic
By using the PIZZA VIEW key you can view the recipe in the form of a baked pizza on a plate.
If you use the INGREDIENTS key you can view the recipe in the form of a list of ingredients.
The PIZZA INFO key allows you to view it in the form of a recipe statistic.
The statistic tells you how popular this recipe is with the various population groups. The most important (actors are whether the taste of the pizza meets the preferences of the inhabitants (see "Market Research"), and what the pizza looks like. As far as the standard recipes are concerned, another important point is how closely the pizza matches the original recipe in the cookery book - this is expressed as a percentage.
Once you have chosen one of these modes you can leaf through all the recipes by using {he ARROW keys. Pressing the LIST key returns you to the list of recipes. In the status window you will find a detailed description of the current recipe. You can bake the recipe of your choice by pressing the POT key. Take
Choose a pizza from the recipe list, then click on the TRANSFER key to put the pizza on your menu. You will be asked to set a price for the pizza. Unless the competition forces you to act otherwise, the retail price should be higher than the cost of production. Baking
If you have trained as a master chef you can skip the following section. Everybody else, however, should read this section very carefully, as the art of baking pizzas is the cornerstone of your business and will make the difference between commercial success and failure.We spent a lot of time developing this aspect of the game, and are proud to present no fewer than 68 ingredients for the standard recipes and your own creations. This should mean you will be able to come up with ideas for new, exciting pizzas for quite a while. In addition, there are a practically infinite number of pizza toppings.
The sales of pizzas depend on the preferences of the customers. Every pizza, whether a standard one or one of your own creations, has its own taste determined by the various ingredients in it
The appearance of the pizzas and their nutritional value will also influence sales. There are a number of changing values you have to consider to sell pizzas successfully, and these provide added variation during the game.
Here are just a few:
Short-lived trends are important. Take note of the long-term taste values of the different groups of people, especially those who make up most of your clientele. Of course, sudden unexpected events, such as contaminated food, are also important factors.
As you can see, selling the "right" pizza is no easy matter - it demands a great deal of skill. Standard Recipes
To help you get started we have compiled 14 standard recipes in the enclosed cookery book. You must stick to these recipes as closely as possible. The more closely you copy the original, the more popular the standard pizza will be.You'll know most of these pizzas, as they figure on the menus of most pizzerias in a similar form to this. The advantage of these standard recipes is that many of your guests will be looking for a recipe they're familiar with. The standard recipes are widely known, so the customers already know what to expect.
This is how you bake the standard recipes:
Choose a standard recipe from the list, for example the "Andrea Doria", then click on the COOK key,
Look up the recipe for "Andrea Doria" in your cookery book.
Now it's your turn; stick closely to the recipe and bake the pizza. Try to get as near to the recipe in the book as possible.
The status info window shows you the recipe with its values at this particular moment in time.
Above the dough you will find four drawers representing the groups of ingredients. Click on the drawers, then choose the ingredient you want from the list.
The status window shows you the main data about the ingredient: its name, weight, calorific value, intensity of taste, fat content, sweetness, salt content, spiciness and trend.
To chop up the ingredient click on the food processor. Depending on the ingredient you can use the food processor once or twice. By clicking the right mouse button you can turn the ingredient through 90' each time.
Pressing the left mouse button puts the ingredient on the pizza base. To remove it simply press the right mouse button. If you want, you can remove several ingredients like this.
If you want to use an ingredient several times in the form you last used it, simply press the left mouse button and the ingredient will appear again on the mouse pointer.
When you think you have finished, click on OK (THUMBS UP key ) and your pizza will be judged by a totally impartial jury.
Each member of the jury can award 20 points. The total points shows as a percentage how close the pizza is to the original. If you haven't made any mistakes your score should be higher than 70%. With a little practice you will soon be able to achieve higher scores. A higher score will also increase your popularity with the customers. Individual Creations
Of course you can concoct your own creations. We haven't counted them, but the possibilities should be almost infinite. So come out of your shell and get ready to create every possible and impossible taste combination you can imagine. Who knows, the "Lobster-Banana-Radish-Pea-Strawberries-Pizza" might be the hit of the year!?! Don't be scared to take a risk...Click on the ARROW key in the BAKING menu to page on, then on the field NEW. If you now choose (NEW PIZZA/BAKING) you will be able to spread toppings over the dough to your heart's delight and create your own Mafia cake. The procedure is the same as described in the previous section, except that the jury won't compare your creation with a standard pizza, but will judge it on its own merits.
If your creation is successful you can name the pizza and - if you are very brave - you can also put it on your menu.
You can exchange your creations with friends and acquaintances and hold a real pizza exchange competition, if you don't want to get too involved in pizza baking.
Press the F1 key to load your own creations, and F2 to save them. The recipes will be saved under a number of your choice on the disc PIZ-Gamesave: or the Gamesave directory. You can swap these personal creations with your friends and acquaintances.
3.8.7 Restaurant Statistics/Balances
statistics menu in the restaurant is purely an information menu and is
structured similarly to the global statistic.
If you
click on this option you will first be shown the daily balance for this
restaurant. You can also call up the following information:
balance: How many orders did you take on the previous day? Did you succeed in
satisfying demand? Ability to deliver, consumption of ingredients, turnover,
profit and expenses will be shown. The value of the ingredients consumed is
calculated as an average because you might have bought them from various
suppliers at various prices.
review: How many guests did you have last week, and how many pizzas did they
eat? Now you can find out what your turnover was and how much profit you made.
The last
line shows the totals.
review: The monthly review corresponds to the same panel in the global
statistic. The only difference is that the data only refers to this particular
restaurant. In each case you will see the data for the current and for the
previous month.
This overview provides you with detailed data of your income and expenditure in
the current week. The data refers to individual pizzas, so you can see exactly
which pizza is making the biggest average profit this week. The ARROW keys
allow you to leaf through 3 pages:
- Pizza receipts Page 1 (corresponds to menu page 1)
- Pizza receipts Page 2 (corresponds to menu page 2)
- Expenditure on stock and staff
To exit
this statistic click on the BACKSPACE key.
Statistic: The customers visiting your restaurant are split into six population
groups. The yellow bars indicate the highest possible number of potential
customers. The green bars represent the number of customers who actually come
to your restaurant.
Curve: This option shows you the income and expenditure for the previous week
again, this time in the form of a graph.
RED = Expenditure
GREEN = Income
The data
has been scaled down so the bars will fit into the available space. The scale
of the numbers 0 -10 on the y-axis is indicated beneath the headline.
3.8.8 Animated Statistic
Animated Statistic is supposed to give you the opportunity to see how a
restaurant is doing without having to bother with "boring"
Production Flow: In the box at the top you can see the orders, on the right the
ovens with their maximum throughput. The number of baked pizzas is shown at the
bottom of the picture and the number of pizzas paid for is shown on the left.
Restaurant Popularity: This picture shows the effect of the individual
production factors:
- the time a guest has to wait for his pizza
- the price of the pizza
- the recipes on the menu
- the advertising
- unexpected events
- the recipes
- the furnishings of the restaurant
- the awards
The red
arrow marks the respective importance factor. The changes in the thermometer
indicate the positive or negative effect of this item.
Quality of
the Pizzas: By choosing this option you can view the effect of the various
factors on the quality of the pizza:
- pizza toppings
- ability of the chefs who are employed
- unwelcome guests, e.g. insects
- various ovens.
The red
arrow shows the effect of the factor. The changes in the thermometer indicate a
positive or negative effect.
Is your restaurant able to satisfy the demand? The symbols to the left of the
picture show the influence of various factors:
- furnishings of the restaurant
- stock
- chefs
- ovens
- service
individual factors are represented by horizontal bars. By reading from top to
bottom you can see if you are exploiting your capacity to the full. A graph
shows how the weakest factor can determine the total capacity of your
with the Customers: How popular is your restaurant with the different groups of
This option shows you how much money you spent and received the previous day.