Add orginal recipes to savegame

For customers to come to your restaurant, you have to have some of the original recipes on your menu. Making them the way they are supposed to can be hard, so if you want an alternative, you can use this method to get all the standard recipes in your save game.

For this you need to:
Then you have to:
  1. Start a game, go into your restaurant and load recipe 0-13 from the recipes from the game.
  2. Save the game. Remember the name of the file.
  3. Open the save game in XVI32, and find the first recipe by searching for the name of the pizza. Change the byte before the name of the pizza.
  4. Repeat with the other recipes. Use this list:

     Name of pizza
     From  To
     Pizza Neapolitana  32  00
     Pizza Margherita  33  01
     Qattro Stagione  34  02
     Andrea Doria  35  03
     Salami Pizza  36  04
     Ham Pizza  37  05
     Hackfleischpizza  38  06
     Hähnchen Pizza  39  07
     Krabben Pizza  3A  08
     Fisch Pizza  3B  09
     Sizilianische Musch  3C  0A
     Pizza Tonno  3D  0B
     Pizza Exotica  3E  0C
     Pilze & Zuccini  3F  0D
    Save the file.
  5. Open the savegame in Pizza Tycoon.
You should now have all the original recipes in your list. Remember to backup savegame before you try it out.